The U.C. Riverside Baseball Stadium is located at the corner of Rustin Avenue and West Blaine Street in the city of Riverside, easily accessible from major freeways. Directions are enclosed in this bulletin for your information.
Note: U.C. Riverside rules do not allow any outside food and drinks into the stadium. Please review this information with your school and community.
Parking will be available in the parking lots off of Rustin Avenue and West Blaine Street. The parking fee is $5.00 per car.
Tickets will be on sale at the ticket booths in front of the Main Entrance located behind home plate. Prices are $10.00 for adults, $5.00 for students with a valid high school ID and $5.00 for children (under 13). Admission will be at one location only, the Main Entrance behind home plate. Individuals with passes, ribbons, etc. will also enter at the Main Entrance. Admission is good for all three contests.
St. Anthony is the home team and be assigned the third base side and one-half of the seating directly behind home plate.
Fan/Student cheering sections are encouraged to cheer and support their own team and should display proper sportsmanship with respect to the opposing team and the game officials. They are expected to follow the following guidelines and failure to do so may lead to removal from the contest and/or forfeiture of the contest.
- No noisemakers (horns, bells, victory bells, sirens, chimes, wooden blocks, balloons, thunder sticks, etc.). Megaphones may only be used by the school’s uniformed cheer squads.
- Cheering devices such as rally towels, pom poms and pennants are acceptable when used within the bounds of good sportsmanship.
- It is the expectation that cheering section behavior will be monitored by the assigned school staff of the school that they represent. All improper behavior/language should be addressed and corrected immediately by school staff supervisors.
- Face painting is acceptable from the neck up only and shall not include any inappropriate letters or symbols. Assigned school staff shall monitor their cheering sections in regards to face painting.