General School Supply List

St. Anthony High School
General Student Supply List (TO PRINT, CLICK ON FILE BELOW)
This is a “general” student supply list to help parents/students get a sense of what might be needed for students at the beginning of school. It is simply meant to be a guide and should not be seen as an exhaustive list.
Please note: each student will have six teachers and each teacher will inform their students in class of their particular requirements. It might be beneficial to wait until the first day of school to purchase school supplies.
Also of note: some of these items may not be necessary (or a smaller quantity needed) due to the iPad program. Many students use the iPad for note-taking and assignment completion.
General Supply List
Binders (2 inch width)
• Biology : 1 inch width
Pocket dividers ( 3 to 4 packages)
College-ruled notebook/binder paper
Composition book
Spiral bound notebook perforated paper
• Not for use in English classes
Blue/black pens
Red pens
Colored pencils or fine tip markers (package)
No. 2 pencils with erasers (package)
Pencil sharpener (handheld)
Texas Instruments (TI-30XA) or equivalent for Pre-Algebra, Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II
Texas Instruments (TI-83 or TI-84) for Pre Calculus, AP Calculus AB & BC, AP Chemistry, AP Physics
Access to Bible (can be found free on the internet/iPad app)

Attached Files